Friday, April 23, 2010

Pencils, Rough Pencils

So... I'm bad and I didn't scan during the rough pencil phase. You... didn't miss much, just picture these, but with lumpy and/or scribbly shapes instead of trees and rocks, and no features on Carol but her eyes. Fun, eh?

As for these pencils, I kind of like them! I do. There was a moment where I was like '... wait, crap' when I realized that I actually might have to FIX some of the rough shapes from before, but hey, I think I managed.

So... yes. Carol looks kind of terrifying in that last shot, which I suppose is partially intentional, since I meant for her to be kind of crazy...

Okay, story time. Once upon a time, I created Carol. I made her with the intent of writing her as, like, cartoony-crazy, but playing completely straight where I could. At the time she was possibly going to interact with other characters.

The story behind her crazy was that she decided to be a Mountie, but she didn't want to go to any school or do any training so she figured the next best thing was to live in a fire watchtower and watch for fires. She spent a few years in there and got kind of lonely (but she was a little toony before she climbed up there anyway). And bored. So she made her outfit out of drapes (but I have no idea where she got the hat). She also started collecting bones from animals she hunted for food (Or, uh, found, if that thought disturbs you), and she talks to them and/or uses them as puppets.

But then, she kind of grew away from all this. She's a little subdued, in that she isn't all action-first (the thing she was written for initially had a lot of fighting in it), and she's less chatty. She tends to emote more than anything, but that might just be the style of storytelling I picked (more on that next post). She doesn't need to bounce ideas off her inanimate objects, she follows her own train of logic.

I also did some design changes, as you might have noticed: I've drawn her teeth in completely, and I've made her irises wider.

Funny story, actually: I basically draw irises without pupils all the time - it used to be because I was drawing so small (since I could only ever find time to do so during class or when otherwise occupied, I'd have to draw in the corner of pages, see), or because they were just looking kinda weird... Well, the weirdness extended to the point where whenever I added pupils to eyes, the effect was a) the character looked crazy, b) the pupils were uneven so either one eye was more focused, or they were looking in different directions, or c) both.

Right now I'm kind of trying to use this to my advantage, where I only give pupils to characters that are crazy with rage, or just plain crazy. Carol is one of the latter, and to make it easier to line up her eyes, I'm making her irises huge. It also serves to add to the craziness, right? I admit I was also inspired by these two artists and their wonderful comics: Tessa Stone and Madeline (... I couldn't find her last name, sorry).

And WOW this was long-winded. Next post with the inks will be up soon, see you then!

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